Minimize steering error with a PID controller
Source: Habrador
About the concept
Why do you need to minimize a steering error?
We can determine if the car should steer left or right to reach a waypoint. However, in real-life scenarios, the car gradually steers towards its intended heading and then drives in a mear to perfect straight path. If the gradual steering is not implemented, the wheels will rapidly switch to the left or right when the car is driving straight towards the waypoint. To minimize this behavior, an approach is to take the rolling average of the steering angles, with the addition of a PID controller.
Cross Tracking Error (CTE)
CTE is the distance between the car’s actual position and the intended position, which is the position closest to the car on a line between the waypoints.
Vector a = Vector carPosition - Vector FromWaypoint
Vector b = Vector ToWaypoint - Vector FromWaypoint
proj_a_to_b = (a.b / |b|^2) * b
progress = (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z) / (b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y + b.z * b.z)
Vector errorPerpendicular = FromWaypoint + progress * b;
error = |(errorPerpendicular - carPosition)|;
This is the CTE. But we still do not know if we have to steer left or right to minimize this error.
Vector rightDirection = carPosition.right;
Vector waypointDirection = ToWaypoint - carPosition;
dotProduct = DotProduct(rightDirection,waypointDirection)
if (dotProduct > 0)
steerDirection = 1
steerDirection = -1
Once we know the direction, the total error is given by:
error = steerDirection*error
Now we apply PID controller to minimize this CTE.
The input to the controller is the CTE error along with the P,I,D gains. The output is the steering angle at that particular instant of time.
steeringAngle = 0
steeringAngle += P * error
error_sum += error * dt
steeringAngle += I * error_sum
float d_dt_error = (error - error_old) / dt
steeringAngle += D * d_dt_error
error_old = error
return steeringAngle
We average this steering angle to simulate the time it takes to turn the steering wheel for realism.
averageSteeringAngle = averageSteeringAngle + ((steeringAngle - averageSteeringAngle) / averageAmount)