About Me

Hi, I am Vishal! :wave:,

I am currently working as a Software Engineer at the Simulation-Based System Design Laboratory for Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland College Park to develop tools that accelerate simulation-based testing and verification to provide assurance for performance and robustness of AI and Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems.

I graduated from the University of Maryland College Park with a Master of Science in Systems Engineering degree. I recently defended my thesis dissertation on Experimental Design using Bayesian Belief Network for Simulation-based assurance cases to determine the optimal experimental design for a simulation. Using Bayesian Networks, I implemented a Bayesian framework that helps understand which areas the experimentation should focus on to achieve successful confidence in the development of assurance cases.

I worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at Simulation-Based System Design Laboratory under Dr. Jeffrey Herrmann to implement simulation tools for rapid operational development and testing by developing features for randomized scenario generation and improving the simulator’s features and functionalities.

Previously, I completed my integrated Masters of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering at International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore. Previously, I was employed as a Research Associate at Surgical and Assistive Robotics Lab led by Prof. Madhav Rao.

My passion lies in software development for robotics systems, and I have worked on several projects in different domains: Simulation, Motion Planning, Computer Vision, and Systems Engineering. My ultimate goal is to become a robotics engineer who specializes in the design and development of robotics systems and enables the transition of robots from simulation to the real world.

My interests lie in the area of Robotics and Game Development. My hobbies include making album art covers and animations using Blender Game Engine.

ArtIAMAS Software Engineer, College Park

July 2023 —

Developing, Enhancing, Testing and Maintaining, software used to control and to simulate autonomous systems.

Graduate Research Assistant, Simulation-based System Design Lab, College Park

Nov 2021 — May 2023

Employed scenario descriptive language for Unity simulator to probabilistically generate scenarios for rapid operational development and testing. Implemented features to evaluate the simulator’s capabilities and limitations in diverse situations and conditions.

Student, University of Maryland, College Park

Aug 2021 — May 2023

Master of Science in Systems Engineering, specializing in Robotics.

Research Associate, Surgical and Assistive Robotics Lab, IIIT-B

Oct 2020 — July 2021

Analyzed human motion capture with Microsoft Kinect V2 and Azure Kinect to achieve efficient motion capture. Managed a team to develop a dual-arm robotic system through depth cameras for biomimetic control.

Research Intern, Mercedes-Benz Research & Development India, Bangalore, India

May 2018 — July 2018

Created a reinforcement learning (RL) based HVAC optimization system to regulate the temperature of an electric vehicle minimizing energy consumption.

Student, International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, India

Aug 2015 — Sep 2020

Integrated Master of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering